整理番号 | 書名 | 著編者(訳者) | 出版社 | 出版年 |
KB-1 | Bhutan: Perspectives on Conflict and Dissent | Michael Hutt | The United Kingdom | 1994 |
KB-2 | Bhutan: Aspects of Culture and Development | Michael Aris & Michael Hutt | The United Kingdom | 1994 |
KB-3 | Bhutan The Dragon Kingdom in Crisis | Nari Rustomji | Oxford Univ. Press | 1978 |
KB-4 | Himalayan Kingdom Bhutan tradition, Transition and Transformation | A. C. Sinha | Indus Publishing Company (India) | 2001 |
KB-5 | Bhutan Ethnic Identity and National Dilemma | A. C. Sinha | Reliance Publishing House | 1991 |
KB-6 | From Dependency to Independency a study of Indo Bhutan relations | Manorama Kohli | Vikas Publishing House | 1993 |
KB-7-1 | Bhutan Towards a Grass-root Participatory Polity | Bhabani Sen Gupta | Gopsons Papers (India) | 1999 |
KB-7-2 | Bhutan Towards a Grass-root Participatory Polity | Bhabani Sen Gupta | Gopsons Papers (India) | 1999 |
KB-7-3 | Bhutan Towards a Grass-root Participatory Polity | Bhabani Sen Gupta | Gopsons Papers (in India) | 1999 |
KB-8 | Bhutan Problems and Policies | HN Misra (Univ. of Allahabad) | Heritage Publishers (in India) | 1988 |
KB-9 | The Politics of Bhutan | Leo. E. Rose | Cornell University Press | 1977 |
KB-10 | 政治近代化のなかのチベット仏教王国 | レオ・E・ローズ | 明石書店 | 2001/12 |
KB-11 | 色無花火 | 東郷いせ | 六興出版 | 1991 |
KB-12 | The Politics of Bhutan, Retrospect and Prospect | Parmanand | Pragati Publications (in India)/td> | 1992 |
KB-13 | Administrative Training in Developing Countries | C. T. Dorji | Vikas Publishing House | 1998 |
KB-14 | Indo-Bhutan Relation and China Interventions | Lal. Babu. Yadav | Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. | 1996 |
KB-15 | The international politics of South Asia | Vernon Marston Hewitt | Manchester University Press | 1992 |
KB-16 | Bhutan: A Shangri-La without Human Rights | Ahura Bhutan | 1993 | |
KB-17 | Bhutan Society and Policy | Ramakant R. C. Misra | Indus Publishing Company | 1996 |
KB-18-1 | Anti-National Activities in Bhutan | Bhutan | 1992/8 | |
KB-18-2 | Anti-National Activities in Bhutan | Bhutan | 1992/8 | |
KB-19-1 | Bhutan: Development and Environmental and Cultural Preservation | Pradyumna P. Karan | 1987 | |
KB-19-2 | Bhutan: Development and Environmental and Cultural Preservation | Pradyumna P Karan | 1987 | |
KB-20 | The Southern Bhutan Problem | Ministry of Home Affairs | 1993/5 |